Week 2- cybersecurity

 Cybersecurity firms seem to be laying off many employees at an alarming rate due to the preparation for the predicted economic recession in 2023.This could be seen as a mistake due to the fact that cybersecurity continues to be an everchanging world that constantly has to improve in order to stay ahead of cyber fraud. Some companies are even focusing less on research and development and focusing more on customer retention in order to save money. I believe this could be bad because while keeping customers is important, if your cybersecurity isn't up to date then cyber fraud is more likely to happen. This in turn would result in the company losing customers.

Although cybersecurity companies are laying off employees, Cybersecurity jobs are still doing well. Many companies are looking for people who are knowledgeable and qualified to work in cybersecurity. This begs the question of whether it is a good idea to get some kind of certification or minor degree in cybersecurity? I believe the answer is yes due to the versatility you would have with those qualifications. This also would open up several different opportunities in different fields. 


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