Week 3- Text ads

 Text ads are a very simple but very effective way of getting clicks on products. They simply just made of words but those words have to be informative, engaging, and relevant. They are made up of three main parts: Headline, description, URL. People are most likely to be intrigued by the Headline which is why it is the most important. You can ad up to three headlines with 30 characters in each and two descriptions with 90 characters each.

When creating text ads, it is very effective to have three to five ads per ad group, use a minimum of three ad extensions, and optimize ad rotation. These factors will help your ad get more clicks and be seen more often. Having a few different headlines and descriptions also help get seen because they ad more variation to your ad. The above photo shows how first ad had different headlines and descriptions that fit the not only the search term but several other search terms that may be used. This will greatly improve ad success.

Google text ads


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